Wednesday 1 December 2010

Info : Jauhkan makanan Dari magnet

Remove any decorative magnet from refrigerators, 
and put it far away from any food.
Interesting but very important finding!
A number of researchers at Princeton 's University have discovered something scary!

For several months, they were feeding two groups of mice:
The first group with food kept in a refrigerator, and the second group with food kept in 
a refrigerator as well but with several decorative magnets on the door.

The objective of this experiment was to see how electromagnetic radiation (that coming 
out from the decorative magnets on the door) affect food items.

Amazingly, rigorous clinical studies stated that the group of mice that consumed the 
"radiated food had as much as 87 % higher probability to get cancer than the other 
group of mice. Inexplicably no Governments or health associations, institutions have given 
any statement in this regard. 
However and just in case, is recommendable to remove any decorative magnet from 

refrigerators, and put it far away from any food.
Info ini hasil dari kajian U Prinston dimana makanan yang terdedah /dekat dengan punca magnet jika 
dimakan boleh menyebabkan risiko barah.--
So jauhkan perhiasan magnet yang melekat kat peti ais anda..

mrGee penah jugak dengar duLu, yang lekat magnet kat peti sejuk nih tak bagus, mungkin ini lah 
sebab nye..  Just share..



ijatnuar87 said... [Balas Komen Ini]

owh...baru tahu nih...pah ni kene buang blake la magnet2 kat peti sejuk kang megnet tu ader luor,dier leh efek gop ek...

ah Gee.!! said... [Balas Komen Ini]


ahu nok kata bohh...
tapi kalu pikit logik arr, medan magnet nih.. kalu lekat di hujung besi, seluruh besi akan ade effek magnetik tuh, pangkaL dia pun akan jadi magnet..

makne kater.. kalu koho banyok lekat magnet kat peti, lagih kuat arr medan magnet seluruh peti tuh .. yer dok..?

ijatnuar87 said... [Balas Komen Ini] kan pintu peti sejuk tu tu cuma bersambung kat engsel dier...pastu ader getah plak kan...

ah Gee.!! said... [Balas Komen Ini]


hurm... ahu lah nok kater bohh...
mungkin yer.. mungkin dokk..

ijatnuar87 said... [Balas Komen Ini]

ahaks...beringt sebelom kena kan...baik buang jek,sblom jadi mnder2,hehehe

ah Gee.!! said... [Balas Komen Ini]


qmbe baru teringat bohh...duLu mase kecik2 orang tua(pesara LLN) larang letok magnet nih sbb takut effek moto compressor peti sejuk tuh...

ijatnuar87 said... [Balas Komen Ini]

aik,bukan ker moto dier ddk blkng ker?camner plak efek smpai blkng tu?lagipom kn power magnet tu kecik jek...

ah Gee.!! said... [Balas Komen Ini]


zaman budok2.. mende yang disuruh,jangan ditanyer banyok.. kang kene nyor kangg... nyengg/rebehh kangg.. kaka kakaka...

ijatnuar87 said... [Balas Komen Ini]

ahaks...btol tuh...dop pasal2 kena napor sire,reboh nonggeng,hehehe

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